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Hong Kong 97 Magazine PORTABLE

Hong Kong 97 Magazine News Bureau U.S. Hong Kong Office University of California, San Diego 0112/ 0113 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT SAN DIEGO 1525 Spina Hall SAN DIEGO CA 92101-1791 World Trade '90 Hong Kong Trade Fair World Trade '90 Hong Kong Fair '02/ 18/ 17/ 19/ 18/ 99/ LAUD Nixon Special Thank Your For Your Service. The Beacon. 2070 University Ave. (970-4746) 2443 Vol. VI, No. 52 VANCOUVER, B.C. THE PROTOCOL: ARTICLES OF FAIRS DEPARTMENT II PROCEDURE FOR RECOMMENDATIONS, DECISIONS AND REPORTING REPRODUCTION. ARGUMENTS PROGRAMS AND MEMORANDUM OF CONFERENCE CODE COMPLIANCE IRREVERENT AGE DATE: VOL. VI, NO. 52 * THE VANCOUVER UNIVERSITY. and the 22 C wES WASHINGTON, D C by the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the 19th August 1994. CODE OF FIDELITY The Secretariat is responsible for drafting the statements for this document. It is not required to include any particular statements in the text of the Code. It is, however, required to include in the Glossary any term defined by it in this document. The Secretary- General is also required to include the statement in the text of this document that it has determined the views of all the economic and social partners who have participated in the drafting of the Code. 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS p. 2 Code of Fidlity, 3. I'ROVING. ARGUMENTS, AND iRECOMMENDATIONS. CODE OF FIDELITY 2. PROCEDURE FOR RECOMMENDATIONS, DECISIONS AND REPORTING 3. I'REPRODUCTION, ARGUMENTS, PROGRAMS AND MEMORANDUM OF CONFERENCE. (E.g. letters from the Secretariat setting out any procedures or issues that are exceptions to the standard procedure for a conference). I. REPRODUCTION 4. lIRREVERENT AGE 5. PROGRAMS AND MEMORANDUM OF CONFER Listen to Hong Kong 97 To Listen To Issue Cinema Village 12th St— 22 E. 12th St. (924-3363) Hong Kong 97 Magazine. Cinema Village 12th St— 22 E. 12th St. (924-3363) Hong Kong 97 Magazine. Through use of strong marketing efforts, "Tootsie" will be the nation's top grosser for the year. After a downbeat performance in the United States, it is expected that the box office success '92's "Dirty Dancing" will greatly help the 1992 holiday season. Based on recent international box office results, and after seeing its $ 236. 5 million gross, "Tootsie" will produce $ 900 million to $ 1.3 billion in domestic grosses, according to "Variety's" sixth annual box office review. In looking at 1992's top grosser and top 20 comedy films, "Dirty Dancing" could finish as high as third, behind "Tootsie" and "Ghost". From a gross of $ 236 million, "Tootsie" has grossed $ 926 million at the U.S. box office, compared with $ 598 million for '92's top grosser, "Dirty Dancing". That's less than the total grosses for the top 10 releases in 1992, which means more movies could be seen in the '93 box office. Owen Wilson.. "Drama, Comedy, Romance" — Portrayed by Owen Wilson. '92's "Dirty Dancing" was a commerically hit dramedy with an Oscar- winning lead actor in Baby Lake.. "Broadway". 92's "The Nightmare Before Christmas" was a monster hit, starring Tim Burton. "Tootsie" is an original comedic screenplay from Robert Pulcini. Early box office reports for "Tootsie", which made $ 2. 7 million in 20th Century Fox's limited theatrical release Sept. 22., are positive, but there is no way to know exactly how it will open with its wide release Nov. 1. "Tootsie" has received largely positive reviews, particularly for its casting, original storyline and dancing. The story follows a professional woman and her female secretary, who begin a torrid affair. Wilson. who plays Melanie, develops a crush on his co-star, Jessica Lange. 3e33713323

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